Swift and effective advisory services
New laws and updated regulations place considerable demands on your organisation. However, as time is short and resources limited, why should you have to translate these into your business procedures yourself every time? ENTRIMA can help to effectuate this quickly and accurately.
We can provide support to your company fairly promptly on the following matters:
We develop, audit, update or provide a 2nd opinion on your trade compliancy framework, incl. a policy on algo trading, insider trading, inside information, market manipulation, and Chinese walls.
- General Trade Compliance Framework
- Inside Trading policy
- Market Manipulation policy
- Chinese Walls policy
- Algorithmic trading policy
- Procedure for internal approval process of new algorithms
- Policy and guidance on other algorithm setup obligations (e.g. pre/post-trade controls, limits, kill-switch, responsibilities)
- Policy for the setup of an internal market (matching opposing orders in-house to prevent wash trades / self-trades)
We develop policies around market abuse prevention & detection and data reporting. This includes alert management, case handling and notifying authorities about suspicious behaviour.
- Policy, procedures & guidelines on Market Monitoring or Trade Surveillance
- Policy on Alert Management & Case Handling
- Policy on the Reporting of Suspicious Behaviour
We assist organisations with risk identification, risk assessment and risk control. We have advised on risk quantification methodologies & parameters, as well as combining scenario and sensitivity analysis.
We help companies effectively manage their exposures, for instance, by the application of hedging tools and how to do it.
Parties with a trading function need market access, plus effective control functions and support functions. We help organisations to:
- arrange broker agreements and exchange membership,
- setup master agreements for bilateral deal-making,
- organise credit support,
perform vendor selection for trading & risk management systems or surveillance systems, - define mandates,
develop & implement limit structures, - organise reporting,
- quantify risk,
- develop hedging strategies,
- solve physical & financial challenges with forwards, futures or swaps,
- and to monetise & capitalise on the flexibility in the portfolio.
Our clients have consulted us on the valuation of derivatives positions, including options, as well as to price and model flexibility or optionality.
Contact us for advisory within our fields of expertise
Apart from the above-mentioned services you can contact us anytime for advisory within our proficiencies in:
- Market structures & market working
- Supply contracts & derivative contracts
- Price drivers
- Price formation & price-indexation
- Physical & financial trading
- Market risk
- Counterparty risk & liquidity risk
- Hedging strategies & tools
- Deal confirmations
- Collateral
- Clearing
- Margining
- Asset-backed trading & prop deal
- Outright
- Embedded & real options
- Inside information
- Insider trading
- Market manipulation
- Trade compliance & trade surveillance