Learning Platform - "Trade Compliance & Surveillance"

Course: Inside Information – Electricity Production Capacity

About the online training programme

In the world of electricity, physical capacity may be unavailable. It could be the result of scheduled maintenance or it may concern unplanned unavailability; the latter, typically, being an ad hoc event. Irrespective of the type of maintenance, it may concern information which impacts the market. In order to create a level playing field for market participants, under certain regulations, an obligation applies to make the information publicly available. Publication is mandatory when regulation classifies the information as inside information.

Course Contents

This course covers the following video lessons:

  1. Introduction
  2. Sudden outage
  3. Timely publication
  4. Local magazine
  5. Threshold
  6. Analysis & opinion
  7. Rumour
  8. Rumours & gossip
  9. News broadcast
  10. Insiders
  11. Disclosing inside information
  12. Contacting the service provider
  13. Non-effective publication
  14. Dissemination of information
  15. Expecting maintenance any time shortly
  16. Delay publication
  17. Exceptions to insider trading
  18. Trading plans
  19. Joint venture
  20. PPAs
  21. Schedullng maintenance
  22. Rescheduling maintenance
  23. Post-maintenance test
  24. Strike
  25. Delayed return
  26. Early return
  27. Case: SSE

This course also includes examination and certification.


The course provided a good explanation.

Mohammed Abi Afthab Olikathodi
Analyst Energy Data & Scenarios at Eurelectric

The most positive element of the course were the short informative lectures.

Olga Lysytsyna
Senior Consultant at E-Star

Content was good.

Maria Kramer
Operational Risk Manager at Statkraft

It is very informative and well described. The subtitles help.

Mohammed Abi Afthab Olikathodi
Analyst Energy Data & Scenarios at Eurelectric

Good illustration.

Nataliia Trofimova
Internal Auditor at DTEK