One bite-size webinar a week

Online environments for a weekly online meeting that start with a mini-lecture after which questions are answered that are raised during the preceding week or in the session itself.

ENTRIMA Intervision Groups

Your group meets online every week at a fixed time. The group moderator introduces the topic of that week with a brief lecture. Right thereafter thoughts are exchanged and the moderator will address questions that have been raised on that week’s topic or any of the other topics.

Learning through interaction

Self-study requires self-discipline and may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore, we provide these Intervision Groups. It includes interactive online sessions and a community with peers for networking, Q&A, and document exchange.

Bite-size micro-learnings

Weekly expert-led interactive meetings, being kicked-off by a very compact lecture by industry specialist.

Ongoing Q&A

Closed-community chat for Q&A, as well as for document sharing and being provided with useful tools and unexpected directions on the web. This all takes place by a dedicated app, visible via a mobile device.

Network remotely with your peers

This service allows you to meet your peers, so that you can get to know them, and to exchange thoughts.

Dedicated Intervision Groups

Currently we run two ENTRIMA Intervision Groups and numerous Company-specific Groups:

Image of the ENTRIMA app on a smartphone

24/7 Knowledge base & chat

The rest of the week you’ll be connected with your Intervision Group through the ENTRIMA App. It provides a knowledge base, tests and access to a chat room.

Join your P2P classmates

You probably recognise it: serving together in the army or going to university creates trusted connections that last a life time.

Through the Intervision Groups you not only learn a lot from the interaction, but you also build a very valuable peer-to-peer network.

So, meet on this platform your peers working for other employers. Obviously, they encounter the same challenges at work as you do when applying the knowledge that has been mastered.

Become a member of one of the Intervision Groups and learn from the multi-polar input and the multi-dimensional approach.


Frequently Asked Questions

For whom are the Intervision Groups most useful?

In general our courses are suitable for any professional with a profession in or relating to the traded markets or any person who wants to know more about commodity & energy markets and trading.

How does it work?

In order to gain access to the Learning Platform, you purchase access by clicking on ‘Get access for individual’ or you click on ‘Request quote for group’.

Is it difficult to participate in an Intervision Group?

No; it’s very easy. You only have to block your agenda for this fixed hour during the week. You participate via Microsoft Teams and you can ask questions via the app for the rest of the week.

What ensures that the Intervision Groups extend my knowledge base?

Online environments for a weekly online meeting that start with a mini-lecture after which questions are answered that are raised during the preceding week or in the session itself. The subjects can be discussed with fellow students, peers and the expert. This is to improve the understanding of work-related aspects, to cope with sudden challenges that you encounter at work, and to handle cases arising in your business.

What are my options if the validity period of my licence has expired but I haven’t gone through everything yet?

Send your request to renew your licence per email to Upon your payment we’ll effectuate your renewal.

Can I extend the validity period of my licence?

No, but you can renew your licence. Send your request to renew your licence per email to Upon your payment we’ll provide you access again to the relevant services.

Do I get a certificate if I have completed everything correctly?

Any course ends with an exam, consisting of a selection of questions. Upon passing you’ll be certified instantly, ready for immediate download from the system, so that you can upload into your corporate and/or personal files.

How can I develop my competencies even further?

Entrima offers a variety of learning services. Amongst these, a tailored training guided by a tutor (online or on-site) might be preferred, although Entrima’s “Competence Trainer” is another excellent option to train your competences in a safe environment. This way, continuous professional developed is effectuated.


“Entrima’s Intervision Groups provide us a good opportunity to dive into a range of topics, which are highly relevant to us. The sessions both provide good insights from Entrima and an active dialogue between the participants. This combination to the building of our internal knowledge about the ever-evolving areas of trading within the energy markets.”

Henrik Kaspersen Head of Compliance at MFT Energy