Power – Asset-backed Trading
Short description
Dynamically hedging a gas-fired power plant.
You act in the role of a power trader at a utility.
As an asset & portfolio trader you are responsible to hedge the exposure arising from the refinery.
You act in the capacity of aggressor.
Your task is to setup a hedge (sell short the spark spread (futures spread)) at an attractive spark spread level. Thereafter, when the spread has decreased significantly, liquidate the hedge (hence, buy back the spark spread that you initially shold short). This way, a financial result is realised. Next, if the market has moved again, in a favourable way, a new hedge can be setup (sell short a spark spread (futures spread)), preferably (again) at an attractive spark spread level. Thereafter, when the spread has decreased significantly, the spread position can be liquidated again. And this process can be repeated over-and-over again.
Note: Ideally, the liquidation of the spark spread position takes place when the spread has gone down to zero, or even turned negative. This, however, may not happen (soon). Alternatively, Delta-hedging is applied.
The aim of this simulation is manifold, amongst others to learn about dynamic hedging and to master timing.
At the end of the simulation, analyse your performance. See what you have done, at which price levels, and when you have done this and whether it could have been optimised. This way, you learn and optimise your competences.