Learning Platform - "Markets & Trading"

Course: Back Office & Finance

About the Course

The programmes “Back Office & Finance” are specifically designed to expand students’ knowledge of, and skills regarding, clearing and settlement of derivatives, invoicing, cash management, position reporting, accounting, valuation of positions, pricing, indices and book structures.


Entrima offers online education. Our elearning offering covers various educational programmes, each being split into multiple building blocks. The educational programme “Back Office” (basic level) is offered in a range of modules. Each module represents a relevant subject and/or theme.

Course Contents

Processing – Adminstrative processes

  • Explaining the back office tasks & responsibilities
  • About invoicing & payments; accounts payable & receivable
  • Concerning nomination, allocation & reconciliation

Straight through processing

  • The deal life cycle; from deal capture & confirmation to delivery, incl. clearing, margining & collateralisation and settlement

End-of-day processes

  • About daily (or periodic) reporting; End-of-day/month/year
  • Covering position reports, P/L statements & performance mngt.


  • About initial margin, variation margin & maintenance margin
  • Concerning correlation, haircut & cross-margin
  • Covering discounts or reduction on deposits


  • Covering the concept of netting
  • About bilateral & multilateral netting
  • Incl. netting by novation, plus close-out and settlement netting
  • Concerning master agreements & counterparty credit risk


  • Concerning daily settlement & final settlement regarding futures
  • About settlement procedures; settlement date or period
  • Including settlement of commodity options
  • About cash settlement

Exam & Certification


In this programme focus is on the book structure. The way accounts are set up is thoroughly covered. Students are learned what interaction takes place between the sales department and the trading entity. Therefore internal transfers are set out. This automatically implies that internal transfer price mechanisms are also covered, as much as the factors that set internal transfer prices. Internal transfer prices consist of various premiums and those are thoroughly taken into account.

Course Contents

Accounting – Mark-to-Market valuation

  • About valuation of trading positions & fair value
  • Concerning IFRS, IAS and hedge accounting

Accounting – Book structure

  • About accounts/books; at division, department & personal level
  • Concerning lock-in models, for the hedging of physical assets

Accounting – Internal transfers & transactions

  • About deals between the business units ‘sales’ & ‘trade’
  • Covering transactions between ‘trade’ & ‘treasury department’
  • Re transfers between ‘generation’/’asset management’ & ‘trade’

Accounting – Internal transfer pricing (Back Office)

  • About liquidity premium & validity premium
  • Concerning risk premium & profile premium
  • Covering performance management & P/L responsibility


Concerning the impossibility to match a hedge with an exposure

  • About summer and winter contracts
  • Covering the hedge of a profiles with base & peak load contracts

Upstream, midstream & downstream

  • About sub-accounts within the trading business unit
  • Explaining what relates to upstream, midstream & downstream
  • Covering exploration & production, storage, transport and marketing & consumption

Exam & Certification


In this programme focus is on pricing & reporting. The fundamental elements of pricing & valuation are covered. Mark-to-market valuation and its features are explained.

Students learn what indices are and how these are applied. In the programme it is also covered how indices can be constructed. The role of price reporting agencies is explained, and the role of exchanges discussed, since these organisations also publish indices.

Reporting is another very important topic in this programme. Students also become familiar with the variety and types of reports that are produced and the way these can be set up.

Course Contents

Data & news providers

  • About price information & news and well-known providers
  • Including Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, Montel & others

Price reporting agencies

  • About accepted benchmarks
  • Covering Platts, ICIS, Argus Media & others
  • Concerning IOSCO principles, ethical codes & policies

Indices – Price indexation

  • About index calculation & publication
  • Concerning the characteristics of an index

Index – Application of indices

  • About what indices are used for
  • Covering what an index may indicate

Commodity indices

  • Concerning well-known commodity indices
  • About S&P GSCI, TR/Jefferies CRB and Rogers Commodity index

Reporting – Internal (financial reporting)

Reporting – External (regulatory reporting)

  • Concerning the consequences of EMIR & REMIT
  • Covering ICT solutions
  • Transaction reporting & reporting of fundamental data

Exam & Certification


In the fourth level of the “Back Office & Finance” programme focus is on financial surveillance & anti-money laundering. It provides students insight in the incidents and behavior behind the recent legislative and supervisory developments. Financial surveillance is still an emerging area of expertise, evolving from detection to more predictive monitoring. Due to recent development in the financial industry the practice is broadening its scope from compliance (p.e. anti-terrorist financing) through governance (insider behavior, governance codes) to risk monitoring (M-to-M valuation, margining, behavior profiling).

Course Contents

Financial crime

  • Covering the fundamentals of financial crime, including global impact and including various types of financial crime

Market abuse

  • Regarding insider trading & market manipulation
  • Concerning front running and other illegal activities

Fraud by external parties

  • About identity theft & overtaking identifying information
  • Concerning manipulation of existing identity

Fraud by employees

  • Concerning various types of fraud by management or staff
  • About theft of checks & removing money from back account
  • Covering indicators to trace fraud; profiling

Tax fraud

  • About tax fraud
  • Concerning the VAT carousel, or missing trader fraud
  • Including an example from the carbon markets

Money laundering

  • About money launderers, their aim & their activities
  • Covering placement, layering & integration
  • Including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Financial crime regulation

  • About regulatory packages relating to financial crime
  • Including anti-corruption & anti-terrorism financing regulation
  • Concerning compliance & low regulatory enforcement areas

Crime management

  • About crime surveillance
  • Concerning prevention
  • Including ICT solutions; technologies & systems

Exam & Certification

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ENTRIMA has trained numerous professionals and certified thousands of learners, and counting

The in-company training services were very satisfying, amongst others, as they served the purpose of learning by debate and through exchange of thoughts.

Pieter Schuurs
Intercontinental Exchange | ICE Endex

The most positive element of ENTRIMA’s online learning services concerns the progressive (step-by-step) approach from simple to more complex concepts.

Ronan Haas

The online learning services are based on a comprehensive curriculum with a wide variety of theoretical basics combined with a profound business knowledge. The courses provide an in-depth understanding of business relevant processes.

Mario Claeys
Uniper Global Commodities

ENTRIMA’s courses are very suitable for our employees; good quality content is what we look for.

Rob Veersma
Advisor | Global Energy Community

Really well structured and easy to follow content that is varied in delivery in order to keep the reader engaged. Looking forward to seeing more from the ENTRIMA in the future!

Erika Rabadia
Manager Trading Surveillance | Shell

The course provided a good explanation.

Mohammed Abi Afthab Olikathodi
Analyst Energy Data & Scenarios at Eurelectric

Content was good.

Maria Kramer
Operational Risk Management at Statkraft

Good illustrations

Nataly Trofimova
Head of Internal Audit at D.Trading

The most positive element of the course were the short informative lectures.

Olga Lysytsyna
Senior Consultant at E-Star

It is very informative and well described. The subtitles help.

Mohammed Abi Afthab Olikathodi
Analyst Energy Data & Scenarios at Eurelectric

ENTRIMA’s Learning Platform provides access to a rich variety of courses which is really valuable for a life-long learner. You can access the content anytime and very easily, using your time wisely to study and grow.

Onest-Dan Gheorghisor
Sr. Expert Energy Trading & Risk Management B2B & B2C Sales OVM Petrom

Entrima’s Intervision Groups provide us a good opportunity to dive into a range of topics, which are highly relevant to us. The sessions both provide good insights from Entrima and an active dialogue between the participants. This combination to the building of our internal knowledge about the ever-evolving areas of trading within the energy markets.

Henrik Kaspersen
Head of Compliance at MFT Energy