Compliancy approach, framework & code of conduct

Public Course



Tuesday 3 December 2024, 10:00-15:00 (CET)

Where and how?

Online (MS Teams)


1,250.00 excl. VAT


This course concerns a 1-day online workshop covering the following topics:

    • REMIT 2 – The Background
      • Market integrity
      • Transparency
      • Market developments
      • New trading practices (e.g. due to technological developments)
      • Alignment with financial market rules (MAR)
        • Stages, intermediate steps
      • Minimise consequences for retail markets (price volatility)
      • Reinforce EU dimension and the supervisory role of ACER
        • Cross-border abuse
    • Definitions
      • Updated/changed definitions
        • Wholesale energy products
        • Expanded definition of market manipulation
        • Extension of the definition of market manipulation to behaviour related to benchmarks
    • Inside information
      • Authorisation requirement for inside information platforms (IIPs) and disclosure of inside information
        • IIPs
        • IIP operators
    • Surveillance
      • Strengthening provisions on monitoring and reporting (e.g. to protect consumers)
      • PPAET
        • Trade surveillance obligation for brokers and exchanges
        • Trade surveillance obligation for parties with a trading function
      • Reporting of suspicious activity
      • Authorisation requirement for RRMs
    • Algorithmic trading
      • Effective systems
        • Resilience, capacity
      • Risk controls
        • Thresholds, limits
      • Notify National Rregulatory Authority
      • Direct electronic access
    • Non-EU representatives
      • Obligation
      • How to organise this