This course concerns a 1-day online workshop covering the following topics:
- Valuation
- Pricing versus valuation
- Historical cost accounting vs. mark-to-market (M-to-M) valuation
- M2M reporting
- Mark-to-model
- Book structures
- Accounts (trading, sales, asset management)
- P/L responsibility
- Internal transfers
- Internal transfer pricing
- Performance measures
- P/L
- Gross operational margin
- Gross profit margin
- Return on investment / assets / equity
- Physical assets & finance
- Input vs. output
- Output value minus input value
- Financial performance
- Gross operational/processing margins
- Transport capacity
- Location spread
- Storage capacity
- Time spread
- Combined production and consumption capacity (or processing capacity)
- Cross-commodity spread
- Transport capacity
- Asset-backed trading
- Hedging physical capacity by trding a futures spread (or spread future)
- Transport capacity
- Trading the location spread:
- Buy term contract A
- Sell term contract B
- Trading the location spread:
- Storage capacity
- Trading the time spread:
- Buy term contract C
- Sell term contract D
- Trading the time spread:
- Combined production and consumption capacity (or processing capacity)
- Trading the cross-commodity spread:
- Buy term contract X
- Sell term contract Y
- Trading the cross-commodity spread:
- Transport capacity
- Hedging physical capacity by trding a futures spread (or spread future)