This course concerns a 1-day online workshop covering the following topics:
- Supply contracts
- Main specifications
- Volume
- Fixed
- Variable
- Price
- Fixed
- Floating (e.g. indexation)
- Volume
- Type of constructions
- Take-or-pay
- Take-and-pay
- Volume flexibility
- Percentage
- Volume risk
- Swing optionality
- Upper & lower limit
- Take-or-pay
- Main specifications
- Time to delivery
- Spot contracts
- Intraday
- Day ahead
- Term contracts
- Forwards
- Futures
- Spot contracts
- Delivery period
- Granularity
- Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and calendar contracts
- For what reason?
- Rolling listings
- Granularity
- Derivative contracts
- Types
- Futures
- Swaps
- Options
- Their features
- Their applications
- Types