This course concerns a 1-day online workshop covering the following topics:
- Markets
- Time horizon
- Balancing, spot and term markets
- Structure
- Continuous trading vs. auctions
- Time horizon
- Stakeholders in the markets
- Markets
- The roles of parties acting in or relating to the markets
- Market participants
- Brokerage firms
- Trading venues
- Clearing organisations
- System operators
- Policy makers
- Regulators
- Their relations and their interactions
- The roles of parties acting in or relating to the markets
- Industry bodies
- Producer confederacies (e.g. IOGP, AFEER)
- Trader federations (e.g. ISDA, EFET, NAET)
- Brokers associations (e.g. EVIA)
- Exchange alliances (e.g. Europex)
- System operator coalitions (e.g. ENTSO-E)
- Regulator blocs (e.g. CEER)
- The trading organisation
- Functions
- Business functions
- Trading
- Analytics
- Control functions
- Risk management
- Auditing
- Trade compliance
- Trade surveillance
- Support functions
- Trading operations
- Clearing, settlement
- Nomination, allocation, reconciliation
- Trading operations
- Business functions
- Their interactions with the outer world
- Functions